Happy Farter's Day by Zoe Foster Blake. Illus. by Adam Nickel

What can I say? As an adult I might cringe at the jokes, but the target audience of children who love the word 'fart', and there are many, will be thrilled to shock everyone in their family with the wild and silly jokes in Happy Farter’s Day. It is subtitled A Mix of Dad AND Fart Jokes to Blow You Away, and the book contains just that. Every double page contains two fart jokes, eg. opening the book, the question on one side of the page is 'What’s Dad’s favourite dinosaur?' Answer: 'A Fart-a-saurous Rex', and on the other, 'What does a dod’s fart smell like?' Answer: 'Ex-stink-shun'. These two jokes are illustrated on the double page with a huge green dinosaur chasing a blue dodo and farts emitting from both.
Children will have lots of fun trying to guess the answers to the questions, and even more fun trying out the jokes on their long-suffering fathers.
Adam Nickel’s illustrations are hilarious, all done in bright colours with wonderful expressions on the faces of the farts and the children and dads. They really enhance the text and add another dimension to the humour of the jokes.
An ideal gift for fathers with a sense of humour on Father’s Day, Happy Fater’s Day! joins other picture books by Zoe Foster Blake starring farts: No one likes a fart, Fart's favourite smells and Fart and Burp are superstinkers.
Themes: Humour, Farts, Smells.
Pat Pledger